Assistant Prof @ Cornell University, 2023- Assistant Prof @ George Washington University, 2018- 2022 Ph.D. Saint Louis University, 2012 BA Sarah Lawrence College, 2001
In my research I explore why and how ecosystems change in response to changes in management and climate, and what this means for the future resilience of social-ecological systems. I ask questions at the boundaries of disciplines, with a focus on issues of degradation and restoration in arid rangelands. I answer these questions using tools from ecology, geography, biogeochemistry and remote sensing. Landscape-scale questions and models rely heavily on a knowledge of the system on the ground, from the plants to the politics. Thus, my past and current work has involved a combination of fieldwork and modeling at multiple scales.
Current Lab Members
Julie Peeling, Ph.D. Student B.S. University of Florida
Ryan Blackburn, Postdoc Ph.D., Northern Arizona University M.S., Northern Illinois University
Rachel Whiteside, Ph.D. Student B.S. University of California, Berkeley
Natalie Kreitzer GWU '20 Lab tech extraordinaire 2020-2021 Currently rocking it at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Brooke Iacone MS Geography, '22 Currently working as a Geospatial Analyst for BluNrgy
Mia Murray MS Geography, '22 Currently working on her PhD at UC Boulder
Jhovae Irving GWU '20 Lab technician 2018-2021
Tara McAllister MS Geography, '21 Currently working as a GIS Analyst
Liyuan Zhang MS Geography, '20 Currently working on her PhD in urban studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai
UNDERGRAD RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Samara Rabin, GWU '23 Ellen Nirenblatt, GWU '22 Celeste Robertson, GWU '23
Just a portion of the other amazing collaborators, students and field assistants that I have had the opportunity to work with.